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Picture of His Life
2019, 74 min Documentary
Directed by Yonatan Nir & Dani Menkin
Starring Amos Nachoum
USA/Canada/Israel English, Some Inuit and Hebrew, English subtitles.
$9.99 Rental | $19.99 Purchase
Rental active for 3 days. Purchase streams forever.

Amos Nachoum is one of the greatest explorers and underwater photographers of all times. He swam with crocodiles and killer whales, with anacondas and with great white sharks but one major predator has always eluded him, the Polar bear. He tried before and barely escaped, but now, after four decades in the wilderness, Amos is determined to give it one last shot.
 Winner of 6 Audience awards, including the San Francisco JFF, Boston JFF, Syracuse International FF.
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